Sorry for the VERY long absence. I could blame a million different things like life with two under two (although that just changed as my oldest just turned 3) but the truth is I think I was just running out of steam and things to say. And if I am being completely honest, for the most part, I didn't miss blogging. It was a nice break but there are some fun things in our future and I feel my creative side stirring and I am ready and excited to share what's ahead.
First on the list, a new baby hat pattern. It's been a fun summer but I've spent a good portion of it in the car traveling so I've had some time to knit and work on new things. The first is this super cute gnome mosaic baby hat. I learned about mosaic knitting this summer and I'm hooked. Done are my days of stranding and intarsia.....this is the way to do fun patterns and colors. It looks hard but it is really so easy. All you need to know is how to knit, purl and slip stitch. Really, that's it!
This is my new favorite baby hat. A classic bonnet with a modern twist.
You can find it at my Etsy Shop: Little + Lovely Knits
Thanks to my very adorable baby model Adley, who also happens to be my niece!