June 6, 2014

Griffin Fyvie: one week

We have had one week with our sweet Griffin.
One week to love on him endlessly.
One week getting to know his unique personality.
One week adjusting to life as a family of four.
One week watching Ella become a big sister.

This is one week full of sweet memories that I never want to forget.

Griffin is a chill little man.  He rarely cries and when awake he just enjoys quietly watching the world around him - which is usually his whirlwind of a sister who is the opposite of chill.  While generally quiet, he does have the tendency to squeak - a lot.  It is pretty much the only noise I hear from him.  He also startles very, very easily with a whole body shake.  It is the one non-chill thing about him.  Griffin loves baths, food, sleeping and his pacifier.  He is pretty much the greatest baby ever -- so far.

Ella is the best big sister!  I did not expect her to take this transition so well.  Of course she has her brief and rare moments but she loves "baby" so much and is always hugging, kissing and asking to hold him.  She brings him toys and tries to feed him her food.  First thing in the morning she always asks where "baby" is and every time she sees him she squeals "baby" with delight.  It warms my heart so much that  she already loves him.  I knew in the long run she would love having a sibling but I thought I was going to ruin her young little life for a few weeks and she would come to resent me and the attention I've had to give him.  I am so thankful that she doesn't feel threatened whenever I hold him, feed him or give him extra attention.  Especially since I had a c-section and cannot pick her up and play with her the way we used to.  I cannot wait until I am healed and I can give Ella everything she needs from me.  Love that girl so much - I am so proud of her!

I'm not intentionally leaving my hubby out either - he just doesn't like public praise but I have to say that he has been so amazing.  He has taken on the full role of caring for Ella, the house and me.  All I have to do is care for the new, snuggly little guy.  And I still have him home with me for two more weeks! Spoiled rotten.

I know it is only the first week and things can and will change in the blink of an eye but I feel so blessed for how wonderful this first week has been.  I've had a few setbacks with my incision and recovery and of course no sleep but I couldn't be happier because my family is together, happy and healthy.  God is so good.

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