January 14, 2014

Shared Toddler & Baby Nursery

This isn't just any shared toddler & baby room though, it is a mixed gender shared space.  Since finding out we were expecting a baby boy I have been struggling with how to make Ella's nursery work for her and her baby brother.  

Here is how Ella's room looks now:

We always had the thought that while in this house, our first two children would have to share a room.  Our third bedroom is on the first floor and directly off our foyer so I really don't feel comfortable having Ella down there alone.  Fortunately, we had the foresight to keep the base of the nursery neutral in grey.

Once the basement is finished the armoire and bookshelf will move to the basement and Ella's big girl bed will move to that space under the window.  Everything else I am thinking will stay where it is that way Ella has her area and her little brother his area.

The coral pillows and accents will move to Ella's bed area and a new color will move to accent baby brother's space.  The only issue with this so far are the coral curtains - which I made and don't feel like doing again.  Nor do I think I will have the time.  Sorry baby boy!

Here is the scheme I am thinking of for them both.

Overall the room would be a mix of grey, coral and navy.  The turquoise pieces of furniture will either be painted or moved to the basement.  

I hope we can give both kids their own unique and cozy spaces while also creating a unified space.
Can't wait to get started!

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