December 30, 2013

Christmas Vacation Recap

As 2013 comes to a close and we get ready to roll into 2014 we also have to say goodbye to the wonderful time we've had celebrating the holidays and relaxing at home together this Christmas break.  Brandon and I always take extra time off work this time of year so we can make memories as a family.  Plus Brandon is about to head into his busy season and we pretty much won't see him until May - so we try and squeeze a lot in.  I have to admit that I have been terrible at taking photos lately.  I am just enjoying my time with Ella so much that I don't want to get behind the camera too much and miss it.  Here is a glimpse at what I was able to capture these past two weeks.

Helping decorate.

New favorite activity: sledding.

Least favorite activity: Santa.

Another favorite: playing with our new nativity.  Thanks Grandmas.

Christmas Eve Eve family movie with teddy bear and a little hide n' seek.


Always wanting to play outside and learning how to walk in the snow and new boots.

We had so much fun celebrating Christmas with both our families and friends.  Ella doesn't understand the concept of Christmas but she sure does love any time she gets to spend with her grandparents, aunts and uncles and the gifts weren't too bad either.  She also loved listening (and singing and dancing) to Christmas carols.  I cannot wait to watch her continue to grow and discover the wonder of Christmas.  I am already thinking about how to make Christmas special and magical in both the Santa, commercial aspect but more importantly how to not let that overshadow the celebration of Jesus's birth and the significance of His birth in our lives.  I know there are so many differing views in the Christian world on how to celebrate Christmas and we are comfortable allowing our children to believe in Santa and everything that comes along with that but I also want to be extremely intentional about implementing traditions and activities that also allow our children to celebrate Jesus's birth in ways that are just as special and magical - because it truly is a miraculous, magical event.  So as I take the next year to pray and think on this I'd love to hear how you celebrate.  What traditions and activities are part of your Christmas?

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