September 28, 2012

Baby K: week 40

"The bun is now officially burning in the oven."
As quoted by my good (and supportive) friend Whitney.

Week: 40+
Due Date:  September 27th 
Baby K: Baby K is the size of a pumpkin weighing anywhere between 6-9 lbs. although I think this pumpkin may be closer to 9. She is probably measuring anywhere between 19-20 inches from head to heels.  There isn't much else to share since she should be fully formed and ready to meet the world.  We are certainly ready to meet her.
Nausea:  A little bit for the first time this pregnancy.  It comes and goes.
Swelling:  Yes.  I now have a hard time writing, typing and pretty much doing anything with my hands.  My feet are just gross.  
Aches and Pains:  Oh body is definitely prepping for her exit. 
Cravings: Still ice cream.  Lots and lots of ice cream.  And liquids.  Anything I can drink.  I have been insanely thirsty these past few weeks.
Aversions:  Clothing.  My work clothing specifically - the elastic bands squeezing my lower tummy is killing me as I sit at my desk.  Plus I have even outgrown my maternity clothing.
Bump: Still lumpy and hard - all the time now.  And definitely lower.
Movement: Not much.  My giant baby has no room.  Sometimes she feels the need to stick her fit up my ribs - ouch.
Looking forward to:  GOING INTO LABOR.
Missing the most: Walking at a normal pace and with a normal stride.  
Pregnancy milestone hurdle: Delivering a giant baby.  And waiting to deliver her.  


  1. You look so beautiful! Enjoy the last days (I'm sure it's easier said than done).


  2. Wow you are really at the end. I wish you all the best with the next stage. Don't rush it, the baby will come when it is ready.
