July 16, 2012

Instagram week 13

I am an instagram failure.
When I want to be creative and instagrammy my life is so boring and when something worth instagramming happens I totally forget.

I'll keep working on it.

In regards to last week I was super excited to pick up two mini filing cabinets for free.  So excited to DIY these into some serious fabric storage.  Well I did start the process so I'll update everyone soon with the project.  

I also dropped a bunch of items off at my mom's garage sale.  Most of the items were from my craft room that I emptied to make way for baby.  I did well though and made $200 which is going right back into the nursery design.  Speaking of nursery design we put together crib.  I am in love with it.

Leave it up to Ben & Jerry to provide me with my latest pregnancy addiction - raspberry fudge chunk greek frozen yogurt.  I cannot put my spoon down.

Unfortunately though I ended the week with a nasty cold.  I really haven't had a cold this bad in a very long time.  I don't know if it is the pregnancy or just this particular cold but hopefully it leaves my system soon.  The cold did give me some knitting time and I made baby k a pumpkin hat for the fall.

Oh and for you knitters, the pattern for the pumpkin hat will be in my etsy store soon!

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not very good at keeping up with instagram myself. My iPhone camera kind of sucks, too since it's so old. But these are cute photos! I'm sorry you caught a cold :(
