April 2, 2012

Baby K: week 14

Now for the stats....

Week: 14 - 2nd Trimester!!
Baby K: Baby K is the size of lemon at just about 3.5 inches from bottom to head and weighs about 1.5 ounces.  The baby's hands and feet are about half an inch long and are flexible and active.  Baby K is squinting, frowning, grimacing (hopefully not too much), peeing (what?), and even sucking his/her thumb.  
Symptoms:  Definitely feeling the cramping, stretching and pains that come with the shifting and growing belly. 
Cravings: I would like to say chocolate but that is just an excuse to eat it.  No cravings.
Aversions:  Haven't really noticed any lately.
Bump: It's starting to peek out.  It definitely is always changing sizes.  Sometimes it is freakily large and sometimes its just a little mound.  Of course this is due to eating.....it kind of pushes it out more.  But it is still a bump.
Looking forward to:  The continuing growth of baby and bump.
Missing the most: Wine and soft cheeses - my girlfriends are  not helping in this department (Susan and Maria)

Here is a weekly comparison.



  1. OH SO CUTE!!!! That's a lot of growth for two weeks! You're adorable!

  2. Thanks Brooke. It totally is still freaking me out although it does just seem like fat most of the time. I'm still reminding myself there is baby in there.

  3. you have the cutest tiny little bump!

  4. preggies are so adorable :) I love reading about your journey into motherhood. Embrace every moment!

  5. So so adorable. That is one cute baby bump!

    1. Your kind words are encouraging....it definitely doesn't "feel" cute.

  6. Love the comparison. Don't worry - It's definitely a baby in there! You'll stop feeling "just fat" soon. :)

    1. Your scarf helps A LOT! I wear it everyday....as with the belly cream. That was a fantastic little package you put together - I use it all!!

  7. Can you feel the baby move yet? Congrats and love your blog! Any maternity clothes shopping yet?? Any nursery plans??

    1. You ask all the good questions. I haven't felt the baby move yet but I will be sure to share when I finally do. Should be in a few weeks I am told. I also haven't bought any maternity clothes just the bella band which I now have to wear everyday so it is time to start looking at maternity clothes. I'll probably do a post on that too. In terms of the nursery we do have a plan in place. The foundation is there and we'll start painting soon but I don't want to go too far before we find out the sex so there is definitely going to be many posts about the nursery. Stay tuned!

  8. That's so cute. I'm glad you are recording your changes, it is very interesting for me (I hope to be pregnant soon :))

  9. I will eat the soft cheeses in your honor :) I'm sure Susan is game. xoxo M
