March 14, 2012

the family announcement

After the news of our expected bundle of joy started to settle in a bit for Bran and I, we started talking about how we would tell our family.  With our birthdays only being a few days apart in Jan./Feb. we decided to mask a joint birthday party as baby announcement party.  Our new obsession has been Top Golf so we decided to get the two families together for a fun afternoon of Top Golf followed by birthday cake at my parents.  They fell for it all and didn't suspect a thing (evil laugh).

(you can read about our first trip to Top Golf here)

Once we had the family all gathered in one place we had to figure out how we would tell them.  For some reason it seems awkward when you just stand there and say it.  I still can't get over telling people, "Hey, I'm pregnant."  So I've been figuring out other creative, non-vocal ways of sharing our news.  For this occasion we had shirts made that said either Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt or Uncle. 

In order to make it a surprise we decided we would roll up the shirts, stick their names on them and tell everyone that we split the group up into teams to compete against each other and their team names are on the shirts.  That way they would have to open them all at the same time to see what their team was.

Unfortunately our plan didn't quite work.  Only one of our bays was available for the first round of golf so we couldn't make the team idea swing since only 5 people could play at a time - we had 10.  So we took turns. I also didn't take many pictures at all since I was getting nervous and it was freezing.  It was a photography fail so there are no photos of the "surprise".  If you can even call it that.

By the time the other bay opened up everyone was cold and golfed out so it was decided there would be no round 2 and no teams.  So we just threw the shirts at everyone and said we were suppose to do teams but it didn't work out.  

They all threw their shirts on the ground or table and carried on with their golfing, talking or eating.

Pregnancy announcement fail.

Fortunately one person likes t-shirts.  My MIL.  She opened hers up and SCREAMED.  The news was out.  There was this awkward pause while everyone stared at her and her shirt and then at us.  Then the hugging ensued.  Some tears and a lot of disbelief.  

At least they were surprised.

Did I mention this is the first grandbaby for both sides?  Craziness.
We were sad that Ryan, Carly and Connor couldn't be there.  Well Connor was their for the golf and announcement but we scared him away with baby talk so he didn't make the photos.  Sorry Connor but thanks for coming and celebrating with us.

 We then shared the news with Hudson and Lola.   They took the news even harder.......fights ensued and shirts were torn.  It was ugly.

We are still working through this.


  1. cutest blog post I've read all year! I loved the way you wanted to surprise. As a g'ma x 10, no matter how your told, it's always a wonderful and unforgettable moment.

    1. Thanks Cindi! It was a blast to tell them as I'm sure you know from experience - 10!!! That is amazing and must keep you busy.

  2. So cute! Congratulations to you and your family! I totally teared up while reading this. I would totally steal your idea but since we already have 3 and the grandparents have at least 5 grandkids on each side, I don't think it would work. Love it!

  3. What a fantabulous idea! Wherever did you get the shirts?!?
    Congrats again! :)
