February 6, 2012

hudson is visiting the neurologist

I mentioned a long time ago in a post that we have been experiencing some health issues with Hudson our three year old Bernese Mountain Dog.  It all started as a funny waddle-limp when we first brought him home.  Nothing cuter than this chubby ball of fur stumbling around the yard.  Soon we stopped laughing though and realized that things were getting worse and not just the product of a clumsy puppy.

As he grew the waddle limp turned into just a limp and suddenly he was no longer potty trained.  That was the biggest wake up call.  When your fully potty trained one year old pup suddenly starts having accidents of all types all over the house you worry.  You worry a lot.  And if we weren't worrying enough then, the sudden depression and anxiety threw us over the edge.  

Countless vet visits later and dwindling pocket books we were told that physically he is in perfect health and that it is all mental and we need to visit a dog behaviorist (aka a dog psychologist).

Not joking. We did it.

And we were told that Lola was abusing him. 

I just don't see it.

But really they love each other and they love to play together.

We were skeptical about the abuse but the behaviorist did give us a few good tips to get Hudson's mood back up and that alone was worth all the money in the world.  Hudson may still trash my house with his bodily fluids but at least he does it with his tail wagging and a big grin on his face.
Apology accepted.

The final straw though was when he stopped being able to shake.  As in wet dog trying to shake but nothing happening.  


Something is seriously wrong with this sweet guy.

Finally another vet confirmed our fears - it was probably something neurological.  Either a tumor on or near his spine, or some type of nerve damage that gets worse as he grows or a tumor grows.  

That is why Hudson is visiting a dog neurologist - in Madison.  Several hours away.

But I can't complain because I am not even the one taking him.  My wonderful mother and mother-in-law are taking a road trip with him and doing this for us because we can't get out of work for it and they love us but they may love Hudson more.

Are they not the BEST GRANDMAS EVER!?
I am so blessed and so appreciate all the things they do for Bran and I.

And in case you are still reading this and still care (Mom you don't count) then come back next week and I'll give you an update on the appointment.  

Until then the curiosity will be killing me!!


  1. Good Luck with your baby!!! Hudson looks so sweet! I hope they can fix whatever it is that is wrong. Sending lots of love to your sweet puppy!

  2. Ohh, I hope whatever the problem is doctors can fix it! It is so, sad when something like that happens to our furry friends, because for us their owners, they are like kids, they are part of the family ! Sending you and your puppy tons of hugs and love!

  3. Keeping Hudson in my prayers. I began to weep when I read about your mom and MIL taking Hudson. That is the sweetest act of kindness. Hudson is so adorable. I pray this is something that can be corrected or at the least monitored so that his quality of life remains good.

  4. I'm praying for the adorable Hudson!

  5. Sending prayers to Hudson! How did you keep a straight face when the other dr told you Lola was abusing her buddy Hudson?

  6. I hope it's nothing too serious!
