February 29, 2012

Can I tell you a secret?

Well it's not a secret anymore........

We're expecting!!

And yes, we are totally freaking out in both the "oh my goodness it's finally happening!!!" and the
"oh my goodness what have we done?!?" kind of way.

Here are the current stats:

Due Date: September 27, 2012
Week: 10
Baby K: Baby K is the size of a kumquat and growing rapidly.  Baby K is swallowing fluid and kicking up a storm.  Little nails are forming on the tiny fingers and toes (no more webbing) and peach fuzz hair is beginning to grow on the tender skin.  Oh and good news....baby no longer has a tail.  Phew.
Symptoms: Giant, swollen chest.  My chest aches and can I just say that one side was very visibly larger than the other.  I was a total lopsided freak for a few weeks there.  So embarrassing!  I haven't had any morning sickness (yay!) but I have been absolutely exhausted from the beginning.  I keep reminding the hubby that my body is essentially running a marathon every day creating this little babe.  I'm sure he is so sick of it but it makes me feel better when I am cuddled up under layers of blankets on the couch - usually sleeping.  But generally I have felt great and sometimes even forget that I am pregnant.  Even so, I am excited to get into my second trimester.  Just a few more weeks.
Cravings: Not really.  I am already a creature of cravings so this may or may not be related to pregnancy (I say not) but I am addicted to grapefruit right now.
Aversions: The smell of ketchup.
Bump?: Does bloat count?  No bump, just thick around the middle.  V E R Y  T H I C K.
Looking forward to: It not being a secret anymore.

Ok, so that is all this emotionally confused and exhausted soon-to-be momma can take.  I'm off to my best friends wedding in Cali!!! So happy for her and so excited to see her.  Then I'll be back with more details like how I told Bran and our families and whatever else comes to mind.  For now I need to absorb that the news isn't private anymore......

And I'll leave you with the standard ultrasound photo of Baby K.  


  1. So happy for you!!! Congrats. It's so exhausting in the beginning. I did a lot of nothing at that point in time. Came home. sat. laid. Did nothing. Ate and went to bed.

    So so so fun!

  2. Yay! So excited for you guys! I love the ultrasound picture. Looking forward to hearing updates from you. Let's try and schedule a lunch so we can talk about all baby stuff when you get back from Lindsay's wedding!

    Amy Capps

  3. Congratulations! That baby is going to be the best dressed little girl/guy with all the adorable things you knit! I know people have probably told you this, but 2nd tri the tiredness does fade and it is AWESOME when it does :)

  4. Congratulations-how exciting!:) Sophia was also a September baby!

  5. I am with A.B.. I came home from work, ate, and went to sleep. You're resting on the outside but working on the inside! Congrats!!!

  6. CONGRATS!! so pumped for you two :)
