October 2, 2011

reason number 1102 to own a truck

I haven't always been a truck lover.  I was totally too scared to even try driving one but when the hubby got one I had to get used to it and I was completely surprised how much I fell in love.  I seriously love this truck!  So much so that we decided to sell my car and go down to just one car  truck.  The hubby takes the train everyday and we live just a few short blocks from my office so there is no need for two cars.

Now there are many reasons why I love this truck but top on the list is this reason.......

A giant, warm, comfy bed.   
Oh my goodness it is heaven and it can go anywhere......ANYWHERE.  We just pop on the top and drive.
This was my latest pinterest inspiration found here.
Pinterest is keeping me so busy!!

This time we decided to head to the drive-in for a triple feature.
Kung Fu Panda 2, Moneyball and Driver.  We only made it to the first two since Driver didn't start till 11:30 and we are getting old but it was so much fun.  

It was cold and I didn't plan ahead so instead of warm drinks and baked goods it was sodas, water, licorice and pretzels.  There is a concession stand at the drive-in for anything else we would want.  But once we go smashed and cozy in the truck, no one wanted to leave.

Somehow the boys could not keep their eyes open for these pictures so this is the best we could get.  It wouldn't surprise me if they did this on purpose to make me mad - I tend to get a little camera happy.

It was so much fun!  Next summer we are going to get a large group to meet there and tailgate ahead of time with our grills and goodies and hopefully warmer weather.


  1. ...this is awesome! thanks. check me out at:
    www.maryanddyer.blogspot.com and follow me if you like what you see!


  2. oops. thats not me. im at:


  3. I saw this on Pinterest too. I think my hubby needs a truck! :)
