August 29, 2011

the final porch update before the final reveal

So clearly there is still a lot to be done but look how far we (and by we I mean our contractor) has come with the porch!  I'm dying to see the final touches like the railings and light fixture and of course a nice fresh coat of white paint but I really like the structure of the porch.  

Oh and have you noticed our brand new path?  I am almost more excited for that path than the porch. Almost.

This is what it did look like and it was awful!

It was crumbling, dirty, uneven and unshovable (is this a new word?) in the winter.  Our poor, poor guests.

But look at it now.

So pretty.

We decided to tear out the flagstones in the center of the yard and grow grass.  That's an ongoing project of course.

So there you go, the final porch update before the big reveal.  Hopefully it won't be too long.

1 comment:

  1. Oh it's so pretty and I love the curved path to your sweet cottage!

    Susan and Bentley
