April 24, 2011


I am so sorry I have been so MIA lately.  All I can say is I am completely addicted to a little site called Pinterest.  You may have heard of it.  It is the greatest invention since the blog.  Right up there with the blog.  How many times do you find amazing tutorials, ideas or just inspiring photos on a blog or other website?  Like always?  Well with pinterest now you can "pin it" to your virtual pin boards.  I have all different pin boards - style, recipes, diy projects, sewing, knitting, babies, home inspiration etc.  It goes on and on.  The best part is just looking through all the items everyone else posted, re-pinning great ones and just discovering new blogs and websites.

I must give you warning.  Only proceed to this site if you are okay wasting mass amounts of time.  If you are student and heading into finals - WAIT!  If things are really crazy for you right now - WAIT!  No amount of willpower will keep you from this amazing website.

If you want to check it out and want your own pin board then request an invite.  It will take about a week to get on.  Sometimes more.  However, I have about 4 or 5 invites that will get you in automatically.  Actually everyone who gets on has that many invites so you can in turn invite your friends.  But if you don't want to wait a week, then I will send an invite to the first few people that either comment below or send me an email with their email address.

If you want to check my boards out then just click here.  I hope you find some amazing inspiration.


  1. OH, I would love an invite!! I love coming to your blog and finding all this great stuff I can do for my nieces and nephews! Thank you, Jessica!!

  2. Ellyce, I would love to send you an invite. Do you mind emailing me your email address? I couldn't find it on your profile. My email address is jessica.a.keith@gmail.com

    Oh and thank you for your kind words. You will find so much inspiration on pinterest.

  3. Jess, send me an invite :)


    love youuu.

  4. I have been wanting (or should I say needing... given the mass mess in my head haha!) an invite! if you have any left I would love to hop on board!
    BTW great job on this blog! I loved the rosette flower tutorial... :)
    have a great day,

  5. Florine, I would love to send you an invite. I am doing it now so be looking for it in your email. Sorry it is a bit delayed. I just got back from a vaca.
