March 14, 2011

babies + knitting = love

Are you sick of hearing about knitting and babies?  If so I am sorry.  The winter breeds lots of knitting projects but have no fear - spring is on its way and so are the flea markets, furniture rehabs and so many other great DIY projects! I even have a large, special package in the basement waiting for a whole new look - more on that soon.

In the meantime can you forgive another knitting post?  I just have some really cute and new creations I am dying to share and receive feed back on.  I just added them to etsy, you can see them on the right, but I need your help with whether I should continue producing them for the shop.  Okay, here you go.

I kind of love this headband!  Just simple and sweet - too bad it is for a baby.  I would wear it.

This is the hat I am up in the air about.  I think I need to see it on a baby.  I may need to send this to Erin Tole for her input.  She is an amazing baby photographer and knows how to style babies.  She uses the best baby accessories in her photos.

Then there is this basic cap.  I NEVER have just a basic cap but I kind of love the simplicity of this as well.  Maybe it is the color that makes it more interesting than just a basic cap.  I don't know.  Let me know what you think.


Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up

freckled laundry


  1. Love reading about your knitting, babies and all your crafts! The hats are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing these!

  2. I love how the white flower has a slight swirl. :)

  3. I'd love for you to link up at Inspire Me Mondays!

  4. Precious! I really need to learn to knit. Thanks for linking with air your laundry Friday!


  5. I love all of your creations. I just started knitting and I am taking sewing classes too. I found your blog thru pinterest while looking for a tutorial on Fabric Rosettes. Thanks for teaching me and I can't wait to try making my own. I would love to learn how to knit a baby hat one day!! Your work is inspiring.

  6. Melissa, thank you. You are so sweet. I am sure you will be knitting a baby hat in no time. They just look intimidating - really they are quite easy. Good luck!

  7. I love them all--but especially that ruffle one! Tutorial?
