January 6, 2011

a meal to end all meals

While most people were starting 2011 with fresh diets and great workouts we started ours with our own sort of marathon - a food marathon.  Way back when the kitchen was nothing but a large garbage pile,

my girlfriend Kara and I began planning its inaugural meal.  Actually my girlfriend Kara planned the inaugural meal.  I just nodded my head in agreement.  Kara is as I call her a "foodie".  She is a great cook and hostess so I just lent her my kitchen.  She literally hosted us in our home - it was GREAT.

The kitchen was finalized the day before Christmas so the inaugural meal was set for New Years Day.  The perfect way to ring in a brand new year celebrating with great food and even better friends.

Did I mention this was a marathon meal?  Cause it was.  Kara and I were in the kitchen for 12 hrs. doing a little of this and that

and just generally making a mess as any gourmet chefs would.

To check out our menu and the recipes head over to Kara's post - she is a food photographer and cook extraordinaire.  It puts this baby to shame, and rightfully so.

I know your thinking 12 hrs?  For dinner?  I think I have some explaining to do.  While we truly were in the kitchen and celebrating for 12 hours we were also doing a lot of this....

and this

Master Chef Kara on the right with me, her sous chef, in our aprons gifted to us by our sisters for Christmas.  Completely coincidental.

Kara's apron is actually useful.  Have a measurement question?  Just lift her apron and take a peak *wink*.

When we weren't taking or posing for pictures (thank you Husbands) we were doing this....

drinking AND posing for pictures by the fire.

And the boys?  Well when we weren't sending them out the door on errands (just so we could do the above by the fire) they were doing a little of this.

oh and some of this too

and Hudson he stood diligent at his post

This we all did between courses because the only way to tackle such a massive menu like this, is to consume it very slowly in courses separated by lots of digestion (and drinking and gaming and knitting).

As if planning a massive meal and doing all/most of the cooking wasn't enough, the girl decided she wanted to learn how to knit.  And guess what, she caught on right away and was amazing - of course!

She can't be good at it all, right?

Well after a nice little break it was time to start dessert, FINALLY!  This is what I have been waiting for.  Kara promised to make us warm, gooey, rich molten lava cakes.  
She was going on and on about how easy they are and I kept going on and on about what a little liar she was.

But guess what - they are SO SUPER EASY!  
And they taste even better, especially the batter.

Kara drizzled this over the warm cakes before topping it with fresh whip cream.  
Ahhhh....I die (Rachel Zoe anyone?)

I have to say, this picture does not do it justice.  Honestly, we weren't too concerned with taking pictures at this point but I see now that we at least needed to top it with a little garnish.  Ehhh...really what do I care.

So there you have it.  A MASSIVE post about our MASSIVE meal that turned us into MASSIVE people.  Now to get to that little new year's resolution - working out and eating healthy.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Really great post! I laughed my way through it. Again thanks for letting me help inaugurate the new kitchen!

  2. I love your apron, Jess! So cute!

  3. Your kitchen is great! And what a good friend to come an prepare your first feast. It all looks wonderful. Thanks for stopping by House Revivals -- I'm so glad you liked the wreath :)
