November 6, 2010

what do you think?

My dear blog friends, I need your help.  You all have been so kind and encouraging with this kitchen remodel, ya'll are just great.  So considering your greatness, I need your design advice.  We thought we knew how we wanted to lay our tile floor for the kitchen but we don't.  There are just too many options and we kind of like them all - a good problem to have but a problem still.  So please chime in and let us know your opinion.  We would love to hear from you!

So here are the three options we are wavering between.  Don't mind my inaccurate design lingo.

Angled Herringbone

Straight Up Herringbone

Traditional Brick

Oh and here are some kitchen details to hep you form your opinion.

It is a square with L shaped cabinets.

Here is the design scheme.

So now please help us!  What do you think will look best for our tile pattern?  Thanks for all your help!  You are the greatest!  


  1. ~*~*Love the staight up Herringbone pattern the best!!! Cant wait to see your reveal!! Hugs, Rachel ;)~*~*~*

  2. I like the traditional best. My reason is that if the floor's traditionally laid then you can put in the quirky elements elsewhere.

    The look you're going for is quite traditional and the picture that first caught your eye is laid like that.

    Okay, that was a few reasons!!

    But I guess the real question is WHICH ONE DO YOU LOVE? Why don't you lay more of them out in different patterns, maybe on a pale sheet so you can pretend with the grout lines!

    Which one GRABS your eye?

    It all looks like it's moving along well, Jessica. I can't wait to see how it looks at the end.


  3. Are you and Bran leaning towards one? I am thinking the traditional brick layout. I think it is classic and would mimic the subway backsplash tiles you love. I also think since your flooring isn't huge square footage, it would be best to keep it simple. Those are my opinions, but whatever you choose will be fantastic because all three are great options!

    I am so excited!

  4. So.....have you decided? I want to know!! I'm too impatient!

