July 10, 2010

DIY: Chalkboard Bottles

One of my favorite summer time drinks is sparkling lemonade and I love the small or large bottles they come in.  I always hate to toss them in the recycling bin so I save them.  Bran always laments on how they are in the way and all over the place.  And I always reply with these elaborate plans to turn them into something cool or use them at our next party or BBQ.  Usually they eventually end up in the recycling.  Not this time though. I had some chalkboard spray paint laying around so I decided to put it to good use and make little chalkboard labels for them.  These bottles really are perfect for it because there is an indent in the glass where the label use to be.  Here's what I did if you're interested.  

First I removed all the labels and cleaned them well so they are completely bare.

see the indents?

Then I took painter's tape and lined the indent.

I first put a coat of primer on.  Since it is glass I wanted to make sure it wouldn't scratch off easily when writing on it.  It also needs a nice surface to stick to.

Now when I bought the spray paint I did not have this project in mind so I recommend purchasing actual chalkboard paint.  I made the spray paint work by directly spraying it onto a sponge brush but it wasn't ideal.

Once that dries I kept layering the chalkboard paint on.  I wanted a nice, thick coat.  It's important that each coat is able to thoroughly dry before adding the next.

Then remove the tape and voila.  Fortunately this is a really quick project because the paint dries SO quickly.  It's great.

They have many fun uses.  I am planning to use them to make a Mint Mojito Bar - my favorite!! YUMMM!  Or a gin and tonic.  I'm going to set out all the ingredients so everyone can make their own drink and I can enjoy the party.  Please don't mind the fact that there's no ice.  I let my mom borrow my ice bucket for a party but if you try this the ice is a must - along with a cutting board and knife for those limes.  Oh and it would be really fun to write up the mojito recipe on a chalkboard or cute little sign.  You could do this with multiple ingredients and lots of recipes so people can create their own cocktails.  It will be a great place for people to gather and talk and explore.

Or you can use them as personalized containers for your guests to drink from.  Just write up each persons name and put a sweet straw or something in it.  It would also be fun to put ice cold water in them and place them at each guests place setting as a placecard.

I am telling you there are so many fun and creative uses for these.  Tell me.  Do you have any fun ideas for these? Or maybe something fun to do with chalkboard paint?  I would love to hear them!!

I shared this with:
freckled laundry


  1. what brand of lemonade comes in glass bottles? I don't know if I've ever seen these bottles around here. What a cool idea and a fun recycle! I just did this to a teapot that had an ugly motif on it. I just sponged on a square of chalkboard paint and voila! Now I can label the type of tea that is brewed inside.

  2. Nice project. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Cool! I like the adult beverage version! What a cute way to create a bar for a cookout. Stopping by from Somewhat Simple.
    Scissors & Spatulas

  4. SO cute! Thanks for the idea...perfect for summertime!

  5. Great idea,Lovely tutorial :) I'm your newest follower!

  6. What a cute idea for entertaining! I'd love to know what type of lemonade comes in those types of bottles, too. Love them! :)

    xoxo laurie

  7. oh thanks! I don't know the exact brand. You can get them at Trader Joe's. It is their sparkling lemonade. Whole foods (and sometimes Target) also sells the french brand. I've had the most success at Trader Joe's for the mini size though. And the lemonade is very tasty!

    1. did the chalkboard paint make it through the wash okay?

  8. This is so fun!!!! My kids would get a kick out of having their own glass personalized.

  9. Very Cute! I love it. My kids would love to drink out of these.

  10. I looooooooooooove chalkboard paint projects. They are addictive. I like the name idea. That would be great for parties!

  11. Brilliant, chic and functional. I love it!!! So glad I saw your link-up at the CSI Project!

    New follower,
    Jenn/Rook No. 17

  12. Love this idea! So many possibilities... I'm a new follower!
