June 24, 2010

Maria's Maison

My amazing friend and college roommate Maria just bought her first home just a few blocks from us.  I am so excited for her and totally ashamed and jealous of her casa.  In a matter of weeks she has accomplished more than we have in 2 years and her house is way more stylin'.

Maria grew up in the Amana Colonies in Iowa - no she is not Amish.  The Amana Colonies were settled by German immigrants in the 1800's (I think it was the 1800's) and she can trace her family way back to the original settlers.  Amana is where the microwave was invented thus starting the Amana Appliances.  There is such great history and charm in Amana.  They have amazing antiques, many of which have been in their families for decades and decades, and great barns to harvest artifacts from.  Maria has promised to bring me one weekend so we can tear down some old barn beams and go antiquing.  You can see all these touches in her home.  Come check out the before and afters.

Please ignore the poor quality.  I kind of snapped these in a rush.

Thanks for sharing Maria!


  1. Yay!!! Thanks for posting these! Maria *cough-cough* is awful at taking/posting pictures so I hadn't gotten to see any of it yet. So cute & so Maria! I love the one of her in the bathroom mirror, such a cheese ball. :)

  2. Thanks for sharing, Maria! Love what you've done to the place. I think I see you mom's creative touches here and there! So happy for you, darlin'. ~ your Tante Lissa
