May 22, 2010


I am using my last bits of energy to publish this post so I can share what a productive Saturday it has been. First I ran 3.8 miles this morning (there will be no pictures from this). This is a big deal since I just started running.....ever.  Since I was an infant I have had a heart defect called SVT that kept me from doing many things - running being one of them.  My junior year of high school I had heart surgery to repair it and was okayed for full activity by college - however it was really hard to just pick up the workout/running bug so it hasn't been until a few weeks ago, when Brandon's aunt and cousin encouraged me to join their "running club" that I learned that I can actually do it.  It has been great to gradually work up to 3.8 miles.  What an accomplishment that is for me!!  So - all that to say - I am exhausted.

I wish I could say that I spent the rest of the day recovering on the couch but instead I got right to work putting the finishing touches on our doors.  There isn't a huge difference but I painted all the trim so it is nice and fresh.



Oh - did you notice the new light too?  Just a few more touches and the front will be done.
And I know it's hard to see but I did paint all trim.

So while I was still painting this arrived.... much fun!!  hours of fun!!  4 yards of fun!!

and I shared all the fun....

Can you just see the fun on his face?

It was a lot of hard, dirty work but it was so worth it.  
Mulch really makes a world of difference to the landscape.

I know our neighbors really appreciate it.  We are definitely the eye sore on the block.  They were even starting to drop hints about their favorite, affordable landscapers or simple things that would "look great on our house."  They are all so sweet and we love them all and hope they are proud.

I didn't get a chance to take post-mulch pictures since my arms were too tired to lift the camera so I will share those tomorrow - plus we had to run off to the in-laws for a belated Mother's Day dinner and craft. We made concrete, mosaic stepping stones for her lawn.  It was her idea and she had bought all the materials so we were happy to oblige plus they just opened the pool so we go to take a dip and relax our muscles from all the hard labor.  

Hudson learning to swim - it's been two years and he still can't get it.

Lola's turn. 

She didn't like it.

One bit.

And that leads us here....finally to the couch where Lola, Hudson and I are resting.  Brandon's playing Call of Duty - his form of relaxation.


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