April 11, 2010

Where the magic happens

I know what you're thinking.....but by magic I mean the wonderful, edibleness that makes our tummies happy.  And by wonderful, edibleness I really just mean chocolate, ice cream, cupcakes or anything really with sugar.  But all that goodness is kept in our kitchen making it a very important room.

At the moment our kitchen is less than spectacular but it isn't horrid.  I definitely have a lot of ideas and plans on my to do list.  At the moment it looks like this:

Not much has been done to the kitchen yet.  I made quick no-sew curtains that cost a total of $5 for both.  They were super easy and perhaps I will share more about those another time.

Our back door is just to the right of this window - sorry no picture - and that is the door we use the most so we definitely needed a little mudroom area.  As you can see this has also become the dog center.  We keep many of their items in the baskets, including the container of their food in the left basket.  A little bit ago I made them a stand for their dog bowls that I can share with you at some point.  It was so easy and cheap.  As useful as this nook has become it also is on its way out thanks to the dogs.  They have chewed and pawed those baskets making them look awful.  Our little Lola also was able to pull two of the hooks out twice and now we can't use it at all.  While we were out of the house she would pull and yank all the jackets off the hooks - taking the hooks with them.  We also lost several jackets to this.  Eventually we would like to add a sun/mudroom to the back of the house allowing us to do something like this instead:

It has been nice to have this shelf for a little extra storage.  We added a few hooks for our 
keys which helps keep us sane.  But at the same time I won't miss it if I can have a 
sunroom that can double as a mudroom.  
Enough about the sunroom.  Back to this kitchen.  The one thing you can't see in these photos are the floors and baseboards.  They are horrible and disgusting.  When the previous owners did anything to this house it appears that they did it as cheap as possible and in all the wrong ways.  The baseboards have giant clumps of paint that dried on them as well as actual things painted on them.  The floors are dirty, stained and cracked pretty bad.  The cabinets are old and cheap and we are very afraid that they might actually fall off the wall at some point.

When the time comes when we can re-do some things this is what I'm thinking we'd do.

Due to the dogs and high traffic I would like to install a honed slate or limestone floor.  I don't typically like the slate look but I didn't realize that dark, honed vermont blue slate is actually very sleek and smooth and looks great in large rectangles like above.  I am hoping the darkness on the floors would help me not have to sweep and mop everyday.  

I am loving the butcher block right now and think it would be a nice contrast to the cold, sleek floors and white cabinets.  Hopefully that would be new white cabinets.  
Oh and the last thing that I am coveting right now is this...

So there you go....another dream to check back in on.

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