August 27, 2012

old filing cabinet turned fabric storage

Earlier this summer I scored two small desktop filing systems for free!  I immediately knew I wanted to spray paint them a fun color and use them to house all my fabric that lost it's home due to the baby.  My summer project has been to completely clear out my entire craft room and all it's contents so we can turn it into the nursery.  We have a three bedroom home and when we first moved in my husband took one room for his office and I took the other for my crafts.  Now with a little one on the way we need one of those bedrooms for the nursery.  I always knew I would lose my craft room to the nursery and I thought it would be so sad and awful but it has been the opposite.  Instead of trying to relocate to the basement or other corner of the house I decided to just get rid of EVERYTHING!  Well almost everything.  I am keeping my knitting and sewing.  Thus the need for fabric storage.  These came to me just at the right time.

I really wanted to keep the hardware silver but couldn't figure out how to remove it so instead I wrapped the handle part in painter's tape.

Then I gave it a coat of primer.

Once that was COMPLETELY dry I gave it a few light coats of green spray paint.
I've learned over the years that MANY light coats is much better than one heavy, blotchy, drippy coat.

I let this dry overnight to make sure it was completely set before assembling.  I didn't want any stickiness, especially since I was dealing with drawers.

Here is the finished product.

It holds my fabric, buttons, needles, thread and other small necessities perfectly.  I love how easy it is to find the fabric I am looking for or get an easy glance of every different color, pattern and texture for when I need some inspiration. 

Now I just need to figure out where to keep it.  Maybe in a closet with the sewing machine?

August 13, 2012

Instagram photo dump

I'm giving up the weekly update so every once in awhile I will just do a photo dump.  So here is my first photo dump.

Summer is definitely fading into fall and I couldn't be happier.  Not only does that mean we are closer to meeting our little girl but it means warm days and cool nights.  It means football season and lazy Sundays.  It means pumpkin picking and apple picking with lots of baking.  Oh and apple cider!

We are ending summer on a good note though.  The weather has been nice.  Even the few rainy days I haven't minded.  I took one cool, sunny day to plant all new fall pots and window boxes.  It looks like a different house.  Especially since the old ones had been dead for a long time.

I also had a very large baby shower.  It was so beautiful and nice.  We were so blessed by all our friends and family.  I just have to point out the beautiful and equally yummy cake pops Brandon's cousin Allison made for the shower.  You should check out her blog that showcases all her yummy treats!  I'l be sharing more about the shower soon.

That sums it up!  Now bring on fall....

August 5, 2012

Baby K: week 32

We've broken into the 30's and are getting closer to meeting our little girl.  This has been a wonderful pregnancy but I am ready for her arrival.  Well almost ready.  We still need to finish her nursery, buy some essential baby gear and pick out a name but in all other ways I am ready to meet her.

Week: 32
Baby K: Baby K is the size of a large jicama weighing about 3 3/4 lbs. and measuring about 16.5 inches from head to heels.  She is developing fat now and her skin is no longer clear.  It is becoming very soft and smooth.  If she has any, the hair on her head is growing and even has some color.  She is now pretty much a full-formed baby that just needs to fatten up - along with some other essential things.   
Nausea:  None.
Swelling:  Yes.  It is different from day to day.  Some days none, some days I can't wear my shoes and my neck disappears.    
Aches and Pains:  She has found my sciatic nerve - oh joy!  The good thing though is that it only acts up when she is positioned on it and she isn't always on it.  But when she does find it there is intense pain. 
Cravings: Ice cream!  I don't know if it is the heat or the pregnancy.  (Now I'm wishing I had a bowl of ice cream in my lap instead of this laptop.)
Aversions:  Chicken.  This is new to me but I'm kind of not digging chicken too much.
Bump: Growing.  And growing, and growing.  I think I have one giant baby in there.
Movement: She is still very active.  I love just watching her move or feeling my bump for her various body parts.  I think I am getting better at distinguishing butt from head and heel from elbow.  It is also funny to see the different shapes my belly can form depending on where she is laying.  I think she favors my left side.  Oh and the hiccups.  Gotta love the hiccups.
Looking forward to:  My baby shower this weekend!!  
Missing the most: Bending over.  Painting my toes.  Tying my shoes.  Shaving my legs.
Pregnancy milestone hurdle: Picking out a baby name.